Brain/ Body Unison During Performance

In today's technology-driven society, we are adept at staying current with our ever-changing social, professional, and political climates. But how well do we stay current with our own internal emotional climate? This presentation illustrates how maintaining present in our biological climate is a pivotal factor in leveraging emotion to optimize artistic performance. Luckily, recent advances in our comprehension of the brain-body connection provide valuable insights into how unison flows from the inside out. Practicing neural exercises helps us stay current with our internal emotional climate in order to optimize presence during performance.

When we ignore the climate of our emotional state we begin to fall out of unison with ourselves and our fellow performers.

Learning Objectives:

-Illustrate the contrast between staying current in our brain vs staying current in our body

-Apply this contrast to the impact on presence and artistic performance

-Integrate the work of Antonio Demasio, Betsy Polatin and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

-Apply these principles to presence: unison between intention and action in performance

Staying Current: